Some scientists are searching for signs of intelligent life among the distant stars. We may have already found it on Mars! The hard evidence indicates that beings like ourselves once lived on our neighboring world, and may have visited Earth long ago, and may even be alive now. The evidence is verifiable, it's official NASA space probe telemetry, and it's not being covered up -- you can easily obtain it on the Web. Here at this site, you'll find the photographs and scientific data for the analysis necessary to support the case for intelligent life on Mars.
About twenty years ago, NASA sent a space probe to Mars. The probe was called Viking 1. Viking 1 went into orbit around Mars and began taking thousands of pictures of the surface . In July 1976, it passed over the Cydonia region of the planet and returned the following images.
Here is the first image from Cydonia on Mars that got people to consider that the planet might harbor the remains of an intelligent civilization. There's a lot more than this. But here is where we start -- with an image of a human face on a rock one mile square.
Now it's quite possible that natural forces could carve a rock that looks like a human face -- especially since half isn't even visible. By itself, such a rock would mean nothing. After all, Viking 1 photographed an entire planet! So what if one rock out of a hundred million looks a little funny?
But the Face is not alone. Here's another face, nearby:
A natural rock typically has gross indentations and projections along its sides. This landform has smooth, curving sides. There are bisymetrical identations near the top, where eyes should be -- and even fine structure, like horizontal lines for eyelids, are visible within the depressions. There's a central ridge, running vertically, where a sculptor would place a nose. Beneath the ridge is a horizontal cut, just the right shape and size for a mouth.
It's an exaggerated form, clearly not a normal human face. Perhaps that's the artistic rendering, or maybe that's the Martians. What is clear is that all the features of a face are in place, and nothing extra.
Let's take a look at some features that are not facelike:
In the upper right, there is a smooth, curving wall. The lower edge comes to a sharp corner and joins with another wall. Both walls are of the same thickness. The enclosure is triangular.
This feature has been nicknamed 'The Fort.' By itself, we might dismiss it as a minor anomaly. But it is not by itself. It is next to the two faces at Cydonia.
Here's another geometrical arrangement:
The 'little dots' in the middle are the size of egyptian pyramids. Connect the centers of each dot, and you have a diamond. How often does that happen just by chance? We could try an experiment in random pattern generation: take four coins and toss them on the floor, again and again, until you come up with a reasonable diamond pattern. Even simple regular shapes are a rare occurence. And what's true of a person tossing coins is also true of nature randomly placing rocks.
Over the entire surface of Mars, it wouldn't be unusual to find regular geometrical shapes like this. But we're not looking at the entire surface of Mars. We're confining ourselves to a few square kilometers at Cydonia. Yet again and again, we find symbols that strike a chord with our cognitive perception.
If a diamond shape is so unlikely, then surely a pentagon is even more. And what if the pentagon encloses the diamond?
The dots are at the center-left in this photo. Here they are surrounded by larger landforms. These larger landforms are various sizes, but have one trait in common -- straight sharp lines between light and shadow, coming together at central peaks. In other words, they look like overhead views of pyramids.
True, only some of the features look like regular pyramids. That's a strike against the artificiality argument -- but it's not a complete dismissal, because we do have to allow for the possibility of damage and/or unfinished construction. But one facet of the features stands out despite damage or work incompletion. That is, when the central peaks are connected together, they form a pentagon. And the pentagon encloses the diamond.
This image shows that the features we've been discussing are very close together -- if you had a day, and you were on Mars, you could walk between them. Nowhere else on Mars is quite like Cydonia. Why does our imagination become overactive only with pictures of Cydonia?
Yes, these shapes could all be tricks of light and shadow and/or remarkable examples of wind-faceting. But nature has been remarkably busy at Cydonia. Or someone else has been busy.
If this is your first exposure to these anomalies, it would be absurd to automatically believe in intelligent life on Mars. It would be equally dismal to simply repeat the skeptical mantra, "Lots of rocks look like faces," and forget that so do a lot of sculptures.
An appropriate response is to be open to the possibility of life on other worlds, and to consider that the accumulation of details at Cydonia makes a case that we've come across indirect evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence. It calls for a closer look.
Computer graphics technology makes it possible to create any realistic photograph these days. The Face on Mars has graced its share of supermarket tabloid pages, so perhaps you're wondering if these pictures are real.
There's a simple way to answer that. NASA has a web site where they display photographs from space missions. They get asked all the time about the Face and other features at Cydonia, so they've created a special section for 'Mars -- Controversial Features.' You can examine the NASA photogallery at:
Don't jump just yet -- there's still a ways to go at this site! But you can come back later and jump . . . and know that at least the pictures are real.
According to NASA, the Viking 1 and 2 space probe landers detected no sign of microscopic life on Mars. So if there aren't even microbes, how could there be intelligence?
Actually, all three Viking bioexperiments confirmed the existence of life according to the criteria set down before the mission. Only, in a monumental act of scientific denial, the members of the Viking biology team repudiated their own experiments.
Here's an article on this very public and well-documented 'coverup.' By itself, it won't convince you there's intelligent life on Mars. But it may convince you NASA can't always be trusted.
Two faces, walls, pyramids, dots -- what does it all mean? Why would intelligent beings on another planet build so many large monuments at Cydonia looking up to the sky? If we had an explanation that tied everything together, it would go a long way toward proving that the monuments at Cydonia aren't just 'tricks of light and shadow.'
At first the explanation sounds fantastic, but it fits in well with archeological evidence of ancient cultures on Earth:
A Temple of the Martian Moon Gods?
Secular evolution says these monuments cannot exist. According to evolutionary theories, Mars has been biologically dead for billions of years and couldn't have evolved anything more sophisticated than single cell life. And since human evolution is a series of random incidents, the probability that intelligent beings on another planet would resemble us is vanishingly small. No wonder 'respectable' scientists shun the possibility.
In contrast, the Creator isn't bound by evolutionary constraints. And the Bible even offers us an identity for the Martians -- a race known as the Nephilim, found in Genesis 6.
"There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars," Jesus said. Not spurious fragments of Noah's Ark, but great signs that cover entire worlds in space, that no one can dismiss.
Unlike most theological discussions, this one can be resolved soon.
More words, photos, and graphics on this subject are available on a virtual 'web site on a disk.' The material covers in much greater depth the information you've seen here -- the scientific case for and the implications of intelligent life on Mars, plus a no-holds-barred christian perspective. Even if you're a non-believer, you'll find significant facts and hardcore science speculations overlooked elsewhere.
(Can your browser access local files? Check that your File menu has an 'Open Local File' command, or that the Open command can select drives. If so, you can browse web pages on a disk.)
Contents: 1. The Controversy. 2. The Explanation . 3. The Search for Life on Mars. 4. Evolution and Mars. 5. The Bible and Mars. 6. Speculations about the Martians. 7. Evidence of a Conspiracy? 8. Sermon on a Hill.
This 'electronic book' is the informational equal to paper-published books about Cydonia -- at half the price. Are you open to finding out more?
A Hill on Mars: Evidence for Extraterrestrial Intelligence is available on 3.5 inch IBM diskette. Simply make out a check payable to "Cydonia Books, Inc." for $5.95 and mail to:
Cydonia Books, Inc. / PO Box 3462 / Kirkland, WA 98083
Update Page
The Cydonia Update Page can be accessed monthly at:
For July: The strange parallels between the movie, Independence Day, and Bible prophecies of the Second Coming.
Write me, Joe Schembrie, at